Sarah's Sporting Clays Against Cancer was created as a unique event to raise funds for pediatric oncology at Orlando Health Arnold Palmer Hospital for Children, through the Sarah Szafranski Endowment Fund.
“I want to do something that will help people forever. I want to find a cure for cancer.” -Sarah Szafranski
In 2002, when 16-year-old Sarah Szafranski realized she was losing her three-year battle with cancer, she resolved to make a permanent contribution to the fight against pediatric cancer. She decided to create a self-sustaining endowment fund for research on pediatric cancer. She charged her father, Bob Szafranski, with starting the Sarah Szafranski Endowment Fund and growing it to $1 million. The fund is managed by the Arnold Palmer Medical Center Foundation. Sarah was a patient at Orlando Health Arnold Palmer throughout her fight and wanted to leave a legacy of help for future pediatric cancer patients. How Your Participation Helps Sarah played an active role in making her wish become a reality.
Proceeds from Sarah’s Sporting Clays benefit the Sarah Szafranski Endowment Fund in support of the Pediatric Brain Tumor Program at Orlando Health Arnold Palmer Hospital for Children Haley Center for Children’s Cancer and Blood Disorders.The neuro-oncology healthcare team, led by Dr. Amy Smith, a nationally recognized pediatric neuro-oncologist, is made up of medical, nursing, psychosocial and research experts. Using a whole team approach, the entire family receives care personalized to their child’s diagnosis and needs. Dr. Smith and her team partner with patients and families to make good decisions about immediate and long-term health, including enrolling patients in clinical trials when conventional means of treatment don’t receive the intended results. At the Haley Center, our expert team takes a multidisciplinary approach to pediatric healthcare − we treat the whole child, not just the illness.